Vitiligo – What Causes It and How Can It Be Treated?

Vitiligo is a skin disorder where white patches of depigmentation develop on the skin and keep enlarging. The patches appear due to the death of melanocytes within the skin. Melanocytes are skin pigment producing cells, which produce melanin. If you are experiencing such condition, you can consult Dr. Sahil Mrigpuri – M D Dermatology for Vitiligo Surgery in Himachal. It can affect the skin of several areas, including the eyes, hair and the portion inside the mouth.

  • Vitiligo can be focal and localised to one area, or it may affect several different areas on the body.
  • Vitiligo may have a genetic component, as the condition tends to run in families.
  • Vitiligo is sometimes associated with other medical conditions, including thyroid dysfunction.
  • Vitiligo is not painful and does not have significant health consequences; however, it can have emotional and psychological consequences.

Vitiligo can affect people of any age, gender, or ethnicity. There is no cure, and it is usually a lifelong condition. The exact cause is unknown, but it may be due to an autoimmune disorder or a virus. It is not contagious.The skin of a patient suffering from vitiligo doesn’t have any functioning melanocytes (the cells responsible for pigmenting the skin) in the affected areas, and so it is important for them to wear sun cream, given that they will burn much more easily.


The causes of this disease are as follows:-

  1. Autoimmune disorders in which the immune system of a patient becomes over reactive and the melanocytes are destroyed.
  2. This disease may also occur due to genetic oxidative stress.
  3. Stressful events may also lead to vitiligo.
  4. Harm or damage to the skin from sunburns or cuts also leads to vitiligo.
  5. Exposure of the skin to several harmful chemicals may be a cause.
  6. Neural disorders are also responsible for vitiligo.
  7. Vitiligo may also happen from viral causes or may be hereditary and passed on from family members.


The earliest symptom of Vitiligo is appearance of white spots on the skin. Most commonly involved areas are legs and hands, but it may occur in any part of the body. It starts off as a simple spot in the beginning and gradually, the spot starts getting pale and finally turns white. These signs include:

  • Patchy loss of skin colour
  • Premature whitening or greying of the hair on your scalp, eyelashes, eyebrows or beard
  • Loss of colour in the tissues that line the inside of your mouth and nose (mucous membranes)
  • Loss of or change in colour of the inner layer of the eyeball (retina)


Vitiligo is a skin disease, the major causes of which are still to be discovered. Proper care and treatment should be taken for skin areas affected by vitiligo.

  1. Cosmetic Treatment- Cosmetic and skincare products such as sunscreens, dye or makeup can help relieve and hide signs of the condition.
  2. Medical Treatment- Oral medication or medicated ointments may be prescribed to treat Vitiligo. Photochemotherapy which involves the use of PUVA rays to induce re-pigmentation may also be prescribed. If the condition has spread to a considerable extent then the physician might advise that the colour from the remaining areas of the skin also be removed in order to match the affected areas.
  3. Surgical Treatment- Surgical treatments are at times prescribed which involve skin grafting or tattooing. This is usually prescribed for those with small patches of affected areas. There are some surgery options as well which can cure the problem effectively. These techniques include punch grafting, Grafting of melanocyte-rich tissue (tissue grafting) and Grafting of melanocyte cells (cellular grafting).

Vitiligo treatment is getting more and more importance not because of the physical effect the disease is causing but because of the social and psychological impact on the individual. you can get the best and most reliable information (evidence-based) about Vitiligo/Leucoderma with our Skin Specialist in Himachal. There are other potential approaches of treatment available at our hospital. Dr. Sahil Mrigpuri, offers a positive solution to alleviate leucoderma effectively. Our special procedures that consist of laser treatments, skin grafting and pigment transplantation can warrant 100% gratification assurance with abiding outcomes.

Book your appointment with the Best Dermatologist in Himachal. click here.

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