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Dr. Sahil Mrigpuri (M.D Dermatology ) | Neelkanth Hospital Mandi

Health tips to avoid cold and flu in winter by Dr. Sahil Mrigpuri (M.D Dermatology )

Health tips to avoid cold and flu in winters.

Winter is the season for colds and flu. According to Dr. Sahil Mrigpuri, M.D Dermatology at Neelkanth Hospital Himachal Pradesh,  December is when infections tend to become prevalent. If you are looking for Best Dermatologist in Himachal so don’t hassle yourself because we are nearest to surrounding area of mandi like pandoh, Nerchowk Sunder Nagar, Joginder Nagar, Bilaspur, Aut, Kullu, and Manali. 

Immunity is the season’s magic word. When temperatures drop and windows and doors stay shut, viruses can thrive indoors; if your immune system isn’t up to the task, you’re likely to catch the latest bug to hit town. This means less energy, the possibility of health complications, and just plain old feeling awful. That’s why it’s essential to ward off the very real threat of colds, flu, and other scary winter germs lurking on every doorknob, in every public bathroom, and on every morning transport to work.

Stay Healthy, Stay warm, Stay safe this winters. 

Happy winters

Here, are some ways you can minimize your risk of catching colds and flu.

1.Keep Warm

Keeping warm can help you avoid coughs, colds, and flu. Shivering depresses the immune system and this makes us more likely to catch colds. Also, lower levels of sunlight and altered levels of hormones such as melatonin and serotonin negatively affect how the immune system performs.

Keep yourself warm.

More often people are busy with their active schedule and need separate time for medical consultation. So you can book your appointment before visiting our hospital on our contact number. 

2.Wash your Hand

We should wash our hands before doing any activity mostly before having food because most of the germs affect our body through hands. 

Wash your hand.

अधिकांश संक्रमण मुख्य रूप से हवा में होते हैं और जब कोई छींकते हैं तो “एरोसोल” प्रभाव से संचरित होता है, रोगाणुओं को शारीरिक संपर्क से संचरित किया जा सकता है और जब संक्रमित हाथ हमारी आंखों, मुंह और नाक जैसे कमजोर भागों को स्पर्श करते हैं|


3.Avoid huddling and heating

When using a heater as a supplementary device, make sure it is at least 3 feet away from any household combustibles, such as curtains, decorations, clothing items, newspapers and flammable liquids. Access heating also harms the human body so don’t be habitual of using electronic heaters and warmers.

Avoid extra Heating.

सर्दी के दौरान लोग शारीरिक रूप से बहुत करीब होते हैं, इससे लोगों के बीच होने वाले संक्रमणों में संक्रमण आसान हो जाता है बहुत कम वेंटिलेशन वाले भारी ट्रेनों और ट्यूब, दुकानदारों के साथ हलचल वाले डिपार्टमेंट स्टोर्स और पार्टियों के लिए इकट्ठा करने वाले लोग फ्लू को अधिक होने की संभावना रखते हैं।


4.Drink plenty water

We should drink about eight glasses of water a day to stay healthy. Water helps the kidneys function properly and flushes out the toxins that accumulate in our bodies. If you have a cold, being dehydrated makes your mucus drier and thicker and less able to cope with invading bacteria and viruses.

Drink plenty of water at least 8 glasses a day.

If you’ve already caught a cold, drinking plenty of fluids will help flush out the infection.

 5.Eat healthily

A healthy diet is a balanced diet complete with all major food groups. Meals should contain a mixture of fiber-rich carbohydrates, good quality protein, and essential fatty acids. Limit added sugars to no more than 10% of your daily calorie intake or 6- 10 teaspoons per day. Foods that are high in fiber are ideal choices for sustained, balanced energy throughout the day.

Eat Healthily

Remember to bundle up this advice next time you’re going out on a cold day and you’ll be more likely to avoid catching the flu.

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