Skin problems & Infections that affect people during the monsoons

Skin problems & Infections that affect people during the Monsoons

Monsoon came with lots of freshness and weather changes that affect the environment and our body health too. Now the question is how we can take care of our body health in this season and what are the common skin problems? Here we have described Skin problems &

Vitiligo Care – Diet for Vitiligo prevention & Important facts.

Vitiligo Care – Diet in your Vitiligo Treatment & Important facts – Dr. Sahil Mrigpuri (Dermatologist)

Vitiligo surgery is an effective method of treatment for selected, resistant vitiligo patches in patients with vitiligo. Vitiligo surgery can be performed safely in an outpatient day care dermatosurgical facility. One of the most frequent questions asked by people suffering from vitiligo disease and their families is about the role of diet in their vitiligo treatment.