Don’t let Weather ruin your Skin : Common disease

The summer and monsoon start with lots of SKIN problems. The first drops of rain, the lush greenery, and the landscapes all rain drenched – the monsoon makes it truly enchanting, bringing the best out of nature. BUT these seasons can be quite punishing triggering digestive and skin problems and infections.

Dermatologist Dr.

Guide to Treating Acne, Scars and Skin Damage

Acne is a common skin condition which is caused by overproduction of oil as well as dead skin cells, clogging the base of hair follicles. Acne can occur anywhere on your body including your face, back, chest and neck. There are many reasons of having acne , scars our Best Dermatologist in Himachal can assess your skin and severity of scarring to determine the most appropriate treatment for you.

Skin Care – Disorders, Treatment, Procedure and Prevention

Skin disorders vary greatly in symptoms and severity. They can be temporary or permanent, and may be painless or painful. Some have situational causes, while others may be genetic. Some skin conditions are minor, and others can be life-threatening.While most skin disorders are minor, others can indicate a more serious issue. Consult Dr. Sahil Mrigpuri,

How To Get Rid Of Dandruff: Causes, Treatment & Tips

Dandruff, a common chronic scalp condition, is incredibly annoying and unsightly. Unfortunately, the problem can represent more than just pesky white flakes falling from your scalp like a mini blizzard.Once in a lifetime, everyone has an embarrassing urge to scratch their head in public. Or you are scared of wearing dark coloured clothes just because of visible falling flakes on your shoulder or back.

Hair Transplant – Procedure & Benefits

A hair transplant is a procedure in which a dermatological surgeon moves hair to a bald area of the head. The surgeon usually moves hair from the back or side of the head to the front or top of the head. Hair transplants typically occur in a medical office under local anesthesia. Get the advanced Hair Transplantation with the Best Hair Surgeon in Kullu Manali.

Dark Circles (Periorbital Pigmentation) – Causes, Treatment & Prevention

The pigmentation underneath your eye is commonly called a dark circle. These spots or discoloration of the skin in the region directly under the eye is not usually painful, uncomfortable or harmful by itself. They are usually signs of illness, fatigue or allergies. Consultation for the under eye dark circles is completely easy with Best Skin Specialist in Himachal.

Urticaria | Hives – Symptom, Treatment and Causes

Skin Specialist in Himachal Pradesh

What is Hives/Urticaria/wheals ?

Hives are also known as Urticaria in medical terminology. It is characterized by an outbreak of pale red bumps and swollen wheals (plaques) on the skin. It is the body’s reaction against certain allergies for unknown reason.Hives can appear on any area of the body;

Benefits of Laser Treatment for Body Hair & Facial Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal in Himachal | Facial Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is used to reduce unwanted hair. Common treatment locations include legs, armpits, upper lip, chin and fine lines. Laser hair removal is one of the most frequently consumed non-surgical cosmetic procedures which is now available in Himachal, where Dr. Sahil Mrigpuri (A renowned dermatologist &

The Carbon Laser Facial Skin Treatment – ( Hollywood Laser Peel )

The Carbon Laser Facial Skin Treatment – ( Hollywood Laser Peel ) has become one of the top go-to non-invasive skin treatments for celebrities. I think that is why it’s nicknamed, ‘The Hollywood peel’. The carbon laser facial is a lunch-hour skin treatment. This means that you can walk in, have your Hollywood peel then get back to your business. 

Visit St Petersburg for World Leader Conference on Laser, Fillers, Botox and Cosmetology

Visit St Petersburg for World Leader Conference on Laser, Fillers, Botox and Cosmetology 

Recently Dr. Sahil Mrigpuri being a part of World Leader Conference on Laser, Fillers, Botox and Cosmetology at St Petersburg. His tremendous work experience and researches on skin diseases like lasers, fillers, botox, cosmetology applaud at International Standards. The way he shows respect and gratitude towards his medical attempts is commendable.